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Santa Monica Nazarene Church

Oct 27, 2020

In this sermon we consider the role that questions play in the life of faith, that questions are how we come to esteem the sacredness of life as we learn how to see God in all things and all things in God. We consider how the problem was not that the Pharisees and Sadducees questioned Jesus, but that they’re...

Oct 27, 2020

In this sermon we consider the prophetic words and ministry of Jesus speaking not just to God’s people in first century but to a divided church today living in a culture of us versus them. We consider how this chapter challenged us in our settledness about who we think God is and what it means to be God’s...

Oct 13, 2020

In this sermon we talk about spiritual transformation of learning how to see. We consider how the envious laborers and power-hungry disciples are focused on first-half of life questions (thank you Richard Rohr). We consider how maturing into the second half of life (which has nothing strictly to do with age) is...

Oct 1, 2020

In this sermon see how Jesus subverts the disciple’s question about who among them is the greatest by telling them to become like children. We focus on what it means not to be a stumbling block but rather a conduit for people to come and know God. We consider how Jesus subverts the power structures of both his day and...

Oct 1, 2020

In this sermon we explore the theme of God’s hope and provision in the midst of life when so much around us looks like despair. We consider the exodus story as the background to the transfiguration of Jesus, as well as the following story about why the disciples could not perform a healing because of their lack of...