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Santa Monica Nazarene Church

Mar 31, 2022

In this sermon we consider what it means to live faithfully in the midst of the headlines. We consider a couple of headlines from Jesus’ day, what it means to ask big cosmic questions, and the faithfulness of the Ukrainian church right now. 

Mar 31, 2022

In this sermon we follow Jesus into the wilderness where he is tempted. We consider what it means to come to the end of yourself (and what you might find when you get there), The Picture of Dorian Gray, and the dangerous grace of mirrors.

Mar 31, 2022

In this sermon (on Zoom) we look at the themes of Ash Wednesday from Matthew’s gospel, which is pray, fast, and give; and what it means to wear the ashes as a resistance against death’s reign.

Mar 1, 2022

In this sermon we talk about the transfiguration of Jesus, unpacking many of the layers of Scripture embedded into this story. We end by looking at the instruction to listen to Jesus, the disciple's response of silence, and how speaking begins in silence.