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Santa Monica Nazarene Church

Jul 27, 2022

In this sermon we consider what Paul means in his famous passage that Christ is before all things and in him all things hold together. With the help of Bonhoeffer, Yeats, a film called Gravity, and the James Webb Space telescope, we explore the modern predicament and how creation was meant to draw us into the life of God.

Jul 20, 2022

In this sermon we look through the lens of Ecclesiastes at the finiteness of all things in relation to the infinite and absolute reality of God, and we consider what it means to pray without the author of Psalm 139, that even in our finitude God is close and cares.


Jul 13, 2022

In this sermon we look at the controversy over Jesus saying that he is the bread of life. We consider his refusal of being a transactional, Santa Claus Messiah who gives us whatever we want in exchange for our devotion. We ask whether we are only reaching for the ‘bios’ kind of life, or beyond to the more fuller...